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A small family farm in Healdsburg, California

come see us at the
Healdsburg farmers’ Market


latest farm news

THe noble goat farm


our story

We’re a family-run truck farm in the heart of the Dry Creek Valley watershed. Established in 2020, we started by reviving a neglected pomegranate orchard. Working alongside a team of local experts, we’re on journey to develop a sustainable, bio-diverse farm. From revitalizing the soil and fixing irrigation, to selecting our seasonal crops, we’re growing every day. For every pound of produce we sell, we donate a pound to local organizations fighting food insecurity in Sonoma County.

What we’re growing


Our mission


Improving our community and environment with quality produce

Fighting food insecurity

Ensuring every family has assess to nutrient-rich food is our passion. Since 2021, we donated over 30,000 servings of nourishing vegetables and fruit to local families who need it most.

In the US alone, 17M children (almost 1 in 4) don’t have consistent access to food. Throughout the pandemic, this number has grown substantially. Together, with our partners, we are trying to make a small dent. For every pound of produce we sell, we donate a pound.

Food insecurity in the Bay Area

Farming for good

In 2020, we started restoring a neglected pomegranate orchard, with a vision of building a bio-diverse working farm. Today, the property includes 400 pomegranate trees and 4 acres of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. We aspire to build a sustainable family farm using a holistic and ethical approach to growing.

We believe that mindful farming practices, bio-diversity, and local engagement will positively impact the health of our community and the planet.

Work with noble goat farm



From our farm to your table.
Nourish your family with
farm fresh produce.


Explore ways to work with the farm - bulk produce purchasing, helping with the weekly harvest, or receiving nutritious donations.

Live Events

Support the vision and have some fun;
join us for celebrations
on the farm.